Goal Setting in Christian Counseling

Goal setting in Christian counseling refers to the collaborative process between a counselor or therapist and their client to establish clear and achievable objectives for therapy. These goals serve as benchmarks to guide the counseling process and measure progress toward desired outcomes.

Goal setting in Christian counseling typically involves the following elements


Christian counselors work together with you to identify areas of concern and determine specific goals you wish to address in therapy. This collaboration ensures that goals are meaningful and relevant to your needs and aspirations. For example, if you are struggling with anxiety, you collaborate with your Christian counselor to identify specific triggers and symptoms they wish to address in therapy. Together, you work to establish goals such as reducing the frequency of panic attacks or developing coping strategies to manage anxiety in social situations.

Goal Clarity

Goals should be clearly defined, outlining what you hope to achieve through therapy. Clear goals help both the Christian counselor and the client stay focused and motivated throughout the counseling process. For Example if you are dealing with depression, you need to set a clear goal of improving your overall mood and sense of well-being. To achieve this, you may work with your Christian counselor to identify specific behaviors or thought patterns contributing to your depression, such as negative self-talk or social isolation

Christian Counseling Realism

Goals should be realistic and attainable within a reasonable timeframe. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and demotivation, whereas achievable goals provide a sense of accomplishment and progress. For example If you are struggling with substance abuse, you should set a realistic goal of attending weekly therapy sessions and abstaining from drug use for a specified period. This goal acknowledges the challenges of overcoming addiction while setting achievable targets for behavior change

Christian Counseling Goals must be Measurable

Goals should be measurable so that progress can be objectively assessed. Measurable goals allow both the Christian counselor and the client to track improvements and adjust strategies as needed. For example a client with anger management issues sets a measurable goal of reducing the frequency of outbursts by practicing relaxation techniques or utilizing anger management strategies. They and their Christian counselor track progress by monitoring the number of incidents and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.


Christian Counseling goals may evolve over time as the client’s needs and circumstances change. Christian Counselors need to remain flexible and open to adjusting goals as necessary to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the client’s objectives. If you are undergoing grief counseling you initially set a goal of processing their loss and finding closure. However, as therapy progresses, you may realize that your needs have shifted, and they now seek to develop coping skills to manage your grief in the long term. The counselor remains flexible, adjusting the goals to meet your evolving needs and objectives.

Goal setting in Christian counseling empowers clients to take an active role in their therapeutic journey and provides a framework for guiding the counseling process toward positive outcomes.

Christian Counseling

Life Coaching Programs

Individual Coaching

Individual coaching supports you to achieve goals related to professional development and performance improvement whilst focusing on the whole person. You may need individual coaching if your goals in life are; a need for personal growth/development (for example in leadership or management), employability / career choices or changes, support in managing and prioritizing your workload, improve your communication style.

Individual Coaching

Individual coaching supports you to achieve goals related to professional development and performance improvement whilst focusing on the whole person. You may need individual coaching if your goals in life are; a need for personal growth/development (for example in leadership or management), employability / career choices or changes, support in managing and prioritizing your workload, improve your communication style.

Dating Coaching

A relationship coach can help you set relationship goals, understand your current partnership, thrive inside your relationship or take your long-term romance to the next level. You may need dating coaching if you feel like having a healthy relationship is extremely important for you, but you’re not really putting a lot of effort or energy into creating that outcome.

Dating Coaching

Arelationship coach can help you set relationship goals, understand your current partnership, thrive inside your relationship or take your long-term romance to the next level. You may need dating coaching if you feel like having a healthy relationship is extremely important for you, but you’re not really putting a lot of effort or energy into creating that outcome.

Marriage Coaching

Marriage coaching is solution-oriented. The couple may not know how to solve their problems, and that's what the marriage coach is there to help with, which is an invaluable skill. Each marriage is unique and has different strengths and weaknesses. Coaches recognize that partners will need something unique from their partner. An excellent marriage coach helps the couple figure out what the best way to communicate with one another is, and how to stay present at the moment.

Marriage Coaching

Marriage coaching is solution-oriented. The couple may not know how to solve their problems, and that's what the marriage coach is there to help with, which is an invaluable skill. Each marriage is unique and has different strengths and weaknesses. Coaches recognize that partners will need something unique from their partner. An excellent marriage coach helps the couple figure out what the best way to communicate with one another is, and how to stay present at the moment.

Group Coaching

Group coaching, which can also be referred to as peer group coaching, brings together a group of employees for a specific purpose or goal. For example, peer coaching groups may bring together new people leaders, a leadership peer group, or high-potentials. The coach facilitates discussions and runs structured activities for the peer group to bring different viewpoints, insights, and knowledge to light that ultimately encourage learning, growth, and complex problem-solving. The purpose of peer/group coaching groups is to help individuals in groups to discover alternative viewpoints, provide an opportunity to give and receive feedback and build relationships that are based on trust and a shared experience, which extends long after the peer group coaching programs or initiative concludes.

Peer Coaching

Group coaching, which can also be referred to as peer group coaching, brings together a group of employees for a specific purpose or goal. For example, peer coaching groups may bring together new people leaders, a leadership peer group, or high-potentials. The coach facilitates discussions and runs structured activities for the peer group to bring different viewpoints, insights, and knowledge to light that ultimately encourage learning, growth, and complex problem-solving. The purpose of peer/group coaching groups is to help individuals in groups to discover alternative viewpoints, provide an opportunity to give and receive feedback and build relationships that are based on trust and a shared experience, which extends long after the peer group coaching programs or initiative concludes.

Inner Sanctity Life Coach

Our foundation comes from the word of God to inspire the children of God to seek the life that once belonged to us all.

Matthew 23:26-28 (NIV)
Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but, on the inside, you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

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